Kingspan Kooltherm K12 Framing Board

Wall and Cavities, High Thermal Performance Insulation Panel

Product Introduction

With composite foil facing on both sides, Kooltherm K12 Framing Board improves the thermal resistance of unventilated cavities adjacent to the board, and is suitable for timber and steel frame wall construction.


  • Australian Made.
  • Used as continuous insulation in wall application for 7 Star houses.

  • CodeMark Certified for NCC Compliance.
  • NCC and AS/NZS 4859.1:2018 Compliant.
  • Ideal for modular construction.
  • Global GreenTag GreenRate™ Certified.
  • Fibre-free, closed cell insulation core.
  • Silver finish.

National Distribution

Reflex Insulation are proud to supply the Kingspan Kooltherm K12 Australia wide, through our warehouses in every major capital city.

As a national distribution partner of the full range of Kingspan Kooltherm products, we enhance accessibility and efficiency of the delivery of Kingspan products in Australia.

With extensive local stockholdings in all major capitals across Australia we provide Kooltherm customers with efficient turnaround times of stock, and improved customer experience.


Kooltherm K12 Framing Board is designed to be used in timber frame and steel frame wall constructions.

Typical applications include externally and internally insulated Wall Systems, Suspended Floors, and may also be used in some Ceiling Systems or Roofs.

Blank one so all stay closed
Product Details
Product NameKooltherm K12
Product CodeKooltherm K12 ______ (mm)
Panel Size2400mm x 1200mm (2.88m2)
Residential Batt Sizes:
403 mm x 1200 mm
413 mm x 1200 mm
553 mm x 1200 mm
563 mm x 1200 mm
FacingsInner: Silver foil
Outer: Silver foil
Product R Values
Nominal ThicknessDeclared R-value (m2K/W)
Summary of Testing Results
ThermalAS/NZ 4859.1:2018Refer to table above
Early Fire Hazard Properties (Ignitability, Flame spread, Heat release, Smoke release)AS 1530.3Spread of Flame Index: 0
Smoke Development: ≤ 3
Stress (Insulant)
AS 2498.3:1993On average exceeds 100 kPa at 10% compression
Water Vapour
ASTM E96 – Part B 2016> 35 MN.s/g
Emittance (Foil Face)ASTM C1371:2015E0.06 Standard
Certification Approvals
CodeMark-certified for NCC compliance
Global GreenTag GreenRate-certified
Specification Notes
When specifying, state the following:

The wall insulation shall be CodeMark-certified Kingspan Kooltherm® K12 Framing Board mm thick, with a tested smoke obscuration of not more than 100 m2/kg, comprising a rigid thermoset phenolic insulation core with composite foil facings on both sides manufactured under a management system certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018 by Kingspan Insulation Pty Ltd and shall be installed in accordance with the instructions issued by them.

A Project Specific Warranty provided by Kingspan Insulation must be submitted.